Tampa Bay Schools Are Back, Let’s Remember The Rules Of The Road
Tampa Bay schools are back in session starting this Wednesday. Make sure you know the rules of the road when you drive through school zones or see school buses.
It’s the unofficial end of summer here in Tampa Bay: Schools start up again this Wednesday August 10th. Yup, the roads are going to be a bit more congested but we just need to take a breath and take our time driving. Here is a refresher on the rules of the road when it comes to school zones and school buses:
-It’s illegal to use a hand-held cellphone in a school zone. Your phone MUST be hands-free. That also applies to texting and driving.
-Make sure you follow the lowered speed limits in school zones.
-Be alert for children walking near school zones and children on bicycles.
-Watch the school crossing guards for signals and obey them.
-As a motorist, you need to STOP when approaching a stopped school bus that has its red lights flashing and stop arms extended.
Here’s a great graphic that the Largo Police Department put on social media to remind you of what to do when you see a stopped school bus:
With one week until students return to school in Pinellas County, the Largo Police Department wants to remind drivers of what to do when a school bus is stopped with its red lights flashing and STOP arms extended. (See the different situations in the diagram below) pic.twitter.com/drKR7gn4KV
— Largo Police Department (@LargoPD) August 3, 2022
If your children are walking to school, parents should teach them to look both ways before crossing the street and follow instructions from crossing guards.
A little bit of patience and not being distracted can go a long way. Let’s make the new school year a safe one on the roads of Tampa Bay!
Check out more school traffic safety tips here. [SOURCE ABC Action News]