Florida Woman Arrested In St. Pete After Squirting Neighbor With Water Gun
Florida Woman arrested in St. Pete after squirting neighbor with water gun. Florida Man can take a lot of heat as we all know. But, this Florida Woman cools things down with her weapon of choice, a squirt gun. Deputies say the victim was just walking by Renee Bolduc’s home when she was approached by Rene wielding a squirt gun. And, she knew how to use it! The type of water gun was not disclosed. Super Soaker is my water gun of choice, FYI. Victim said she was sprayed right in the face with the squirt gun for no reason.
Now, Ms. Bolduc has been arrested and was being held on a $500 bond for assault, or squirting neighbor with water gun. She has since bonded out. Report says the victim never entered the Bolduc property or made any aggressive statements. Deputies also noted Bolduc sprayed the victim because she was upset she was walking on “her street.”
Source NewsChannel8