Florida Ranks Second In UFO Sightings In The U.S.
We are definitely not alone and it seems that the little green men like visiting the Sunshine State! Florida ranked second in UFO sightings in the U.S.
The National UFO Reporting Center (NUFORC) has been in operation for 47 years. In that time, they have processed over 150,000 UFO sighting reports! The website Outforia which specializes in nature and the outdoors used the data from NUFORC and came up with a guide to the biggest UFO hotspots in America. Go figure, Florida was second in UFO sightings! Here’s the top 10:
- California – 15,072
- Florida – 7,513
- Washington – 6,720
- Texas – 5,631
- New York – 5,403
- Arizona – 4,604
- Pennsylvania – 4,592
- Ohio – 4,110
- Illinois – 4,025
- Michigan – 3,383
Most of the UFO sightings were described as bright or circling lights, circles, triangles, fireballs and spheres in the sky. The Tampa Bay area has a good amount of sightings. On February 9, 2022, there was a sighting in Brooksville that lasted for 30 minutes. Here’s what the report said:
“I was driving home from work. It was 6:00 a.m. on Wed Feb 9th. I first noticed this object at the intersection of Trillium Boulevard and County Line Road. Initially, it appeared as a very bright white sphere that could change speeds, stop and hover. As I continued to drive home I could see it the entire way keeping pace with me as I traveled north on US 41. It was east of the road I was traveling on. I had a pretty good view but there were some tree lines in the way, so once I got to my road that I live on, I stopped my car and I had a very clear view of this object. At first I thought it was probably a drone so I took out my phone and I decided to video it and take some pictures What occurred during that video is what made me believe that it might not be a drone. The object in the sky shot beams of light towards me and it expanded and retracted in size multiple times. I have this on video. At that point I got a little freaked out and immediately continued home. The object seemed to follow me and hover due east of my home pretty high up. I ran inside and got my wife and she saw it as well. At this point it appeared as I originally saw it in a bright white sphere. As the sunrise came on and darkness began to fade it disappeared.”
Pinellas Park reported a sighting on January 30, 2022:
“We were leaving the work and as we were about to turn on the road we saw a cluster of 3 orange lights
The orange lights formed a triangle and moved in formation across the sky, each light slowly disappeared, appearing as if it went up and slowly faded out of view.”
Even Tampa had a day-after-Christmas encounter:
On the day after Christmas, on a clear sunny day, with sunroof open while stopped at a major intersection, I saw a shiny object.
On a crystal clear blue day after Christmas, I was driving with windows and sunroof down or open. While driving south on S Dale Mabry Highway, I approached the major east west intersection of Gandy Boulevard, slowing to a stop just passed the overpass of the Crosstown Expressway. While stopped with radio off, I noticed an object in my periphery. I looked up to see an extremely bright cigar shaped object. My initial thought was that it was a Soviet MiG from the Korean Conflict era. It had a red marking near the front. Although it made no sound, I didn’t think much of it for the half second I saw this object flying roughly 3,000 to 5,000 feet above head. Not the most unusual thing to see a jet flying considering we have a major military base, an international airport, a neighboring St Petersburg Airport, and several small airports, like Peter Knight, in the area. It moved over the my sunroof view and I refocused on the stop light. I picked it up again as it flew forward towards the South, towards the Military base, Macdill Air Force Base. I watched as this once very very bright object was now a darker circular shape, almost as if I was looking at the tail end of a tube or cigar. Saw zero vapor trail. No engine illumination of any kind. It flew an arced flight pattern from left to right, “checking out”. As it faded from my field of view, a series of intense bright flashes, akin to sparklers, appeared behind the object as it was some 20 miles away. After sparkling for a 1/4 second to 1/2 second, a massive portal opened up. It was the most incredible sight I’ve ever seen. A rectangular(ish) shaped window or portal. It must have been 100-200 times the size of the craft. The “portal” displayed a greenish, pinkish nebulae of sorts, like slow waves, like ripples. The portal closed a 1/4 to 1/2 second later. The sky seemed completely unaffected. Like nothing ever happened. Here and gone in roughly seconds. I was completely jaw dropped. I could sense that cars around me were moving forward and I noticed that a black pickup truck with tinted windows, directly in front of me, was also parked on his brakes, seemingly as shocked. We both eventually drove away with traffic. I had never witnessed a UFO until 12/26/2021. The entire observation lasted roughly seven seconds.I can’t explain what I’ve seen but I’m not embarrassed or ashamed to report this. I will swear on a Bible, under oath, that these were the facts as I observed them on 12/26/2021 at 10:24 a.m.
There’s thousands more that you can read about. Who knows, one day you might look up into the sky and see a UFO!
[SOURCE News Channel 8]