Walmart In Brandon Closed Temporarily For Cleaning
The Walmart that is located at 11110 Causeway Blvd. in Brandon will be closed all day Tuesday so the store can be cleaned. The store will reopen on Wednesday morning at 6 a.m.
Walmart in Brandon is having a third party cleaning crew come in to clean the store and the need the whole day to clean the store. It will also give the employees of Walmart time to restock the shelves.
In a statement released by Walmart it says, “As you know, several areas across the country have begun seeing a renewed increase in positive COVID-19 cases, and we want to assist health officials working against the pandemic.“
A Walmart in Brandon is temporarily closing so it can be cleaned, the company said.
— ABC Action News (@abcactionnews) January 11, 2022
QYK Florida Country Concerts Update
Here’s a list of upcoming QYK concerts in the Tampa Bay area… and a few that are worth the road trip!