The 5 Second Rule. Every Cook Does It. Almost.
Well, this new poll says 37% of us follow the 5 second rule, and (hold on) 41% use that spoon to taste, and keep cooking with it. Ahhhhh! How would you rate your cooking skills on a scale from 1 to 10? The average American says they’re a 6.8 . . . 7 for women, and 6.5 for men. For the record, I’m a 10, easy. Here are the top 10 takeaways on cooking survey…
1. 65% of us like to eyeball it instead of using measuring cups.
2. 58% don’t usually follow a recipe.
3. 41% have used a spoon to taste something, and then kept using it to mix.
4. 38% use dull kitchen knives, which are more dangerous than sharp ones.
5. 34% rinse chicken in the sink, which isn’t necessary and is actually LESS sanitary.
6. 26% of us don’t rinse fruits and vegetables.
7. 23% of Americans have cooked a full meal while drunk, or on drugs. (Seems low.)
8. 15% of people don’t wash their hands while cooking.
9. 14% will use the same cutting board for raw meat, and then vegetables.
10. 8% of us burn things on purpose, because we like the taste.
Here’s the survey on CINCH