Companies Who Successfully Changed Their Names
IHOP is getting a lot of grief for changing their name to IHOb. Some experts are even calling this a failed marketing attempt.
Conversely, here are a few companies who actually changed their name… and it worked for them!!
- Blue Ribbon Sports founded in 1964, became Nike in 1971
- Backrub was founded in 1996. It was called that because it analyzed internet backlinks. It ultimately was changed to Google.
- Netflix split off its DVD & streaming services on 2011. The DVD mail service became “Qwikster,” but was killed off after one month due to customer backlash.
- started in 1999. It was a universally recognized programming variable. The company merged with another and PayPal was born
- In 1994, two founders of a new internet search engine named the company after themselves: “Jerry & David’s Guide to the World Wide Web.” It is know today as Yahoo!